Overview of Statistical Analysis
Why should you care about statistical analysis?
A study’s results are useless if the wrong data analysis test is used Allam (2017)1 found that only 24.5% of studies performed for MD doctoral dissertations at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) used improper data tests1
Comparing Tests
- Determines difference from in mean values between 2 groups
Mann-Whitney U Test
- Difference in Rank sum
- Does not need to be normally distributed
- 2x independent groups
Allam RM, Noaman MK, Moneer MM, Elattar IA. Assessment of Statistical Methodologies and Pitfalls of Dissertations Carried Out at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP. 2017;18(1):231-237. doi:10.22034/APJCP.2017.18.1.231
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Yomogida N, Kerstein C. Overview of Statistical
Analysis. https://yomokerst.com/The
Archive/Evidene Based Practice/Multivariate Data